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Improved High Rise Office Building Performance Through Existing Building Retro-Commissioning

Proper operation and maintenance of a building’s mechanical, electrical and control systems is critical to the efficient and robust operation of the building. It leads to fewer comfort complaints, service calls, and lowers utility consumption and costs.



Between January and March of 2021, BGIS investigated and optimized the existing mechanical systems at 55 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario - a 20 storey Bank of Montreal high-rise office building built in 1974. BGIS coordinated operational improvements with the on-site operations staff while monitoring the performance of the building systems and implementing measures to improve energy performance, equipment operation and occupant comfort. BGIS reviewed the operation of the existing building systems and implemented corrective measures to return the systems back to their intended design and performance specifications. The objective of this project was to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint associated with the Bank of Montreal’s high-rise office building at 55 Bloor and to report findings and lessons learned.

The building systems included the ventilation systems (supply and exhaust fans), the heating system (three boilers serving reheat coils and fan coil units), the cooling system (two chillers, one cooling tower), the plumbing/pumping systems, and the associated building automation system. The facility had no known retro-commissioning performed to date on any of the systems after construction.

See attached case study here to learn more about this project.

Project Summary


Building: Bank of Montreal Tower Toronto (BMTT) high-rise office building built in 1974

Location: 55 Bloor Street West, Toronto, Ontario

Project Details: The objective of this project was to reduce the energy consumption and carbon footprint associated with the Bank of Montreal’s high-rise office building at 55 Bloor and to report findings and lessons learned.

Commissioning Scope: BGIS Professional Services was retained by the Bank of Montreal (BMO) to provide existing building retro-commissioning services (EBCx) focusing on the mechanical systems within the building. The building systems included the ventilation systems (supply and exhaust fans), the heating system (three boilers serving reheat coils and fan coil units), the cooling system (two chillers, one cooling tower), the plumbing/pumping systems, and the associated building automation system. The facility had no known retro-commissioning performed to date on any of the systems after construction.

BGIS investigated and optimized the existing mechanical systems between January and March 2021. BGIS coordinated with the on-site operations staff while monitoring the performance of the building systems and implemented measures to improve energy performance, equipment operation and occupant comfort. BGIS reviewed the operation of the existing building systems, implemented corrective measures to return the systems back to their intended design and performance specifications, and made recommendations to improve their performance.

Size of Commissioned Area: 436,436 sq.ft (20 floors)

Energy Cost Savings (Mar – Oct 2021): (19% savings)

Simple Payback: < 6 months

Energy Consumption Savings (Mar – Oct 2021): 4,300 GJ (15% savings)

GHG Emission Reductions (Estimated) (Mar-Oct 2021): 45 CO₂e (7% savings)